Can Dogs Eat Fruit Loops?

Cereal, especially Fruit Loops, is a staple item in many of our households, and as we snack away – sometimes right out of the box – we usually see our favourite four-legged friend looking up at us, asking for some of our snack.

There are many human foods that are safe for our dogs to have, but are cereals one of them? Are there specific kinds of cereals that are ok to give them but others aren’t? Here’s what you need to know about sharing fruit loops – and other cereals – with our dogs.

Let’s start with fruit loops: are they safe for me give to my dog?

The short answer is: maybe.

Technically, there aren’t any harmful ingredients in Fruit Loops for dogs so they aren’t toxic for your dog to eat. Should your dog eat them, though?

Well, no. Fruit Loops is an unhealthy cereal for humans to eat to begin with, so it’s understandable that it’s equally as unhealthy for your dog to eat it.

Fruits Loops

What makes it so unhealthy for your dog?

Like most convenient breakfast cereals, Fruit Loops are made with refined grains and that isn’t an essential (or even important) ingredient in the canine diet.

If your dog is going to eat them, it would considered empty calories for your dog, and there wouldn’t be any nutritional value added for your friend.

In addition to the empty calories, Fruit Loops are loaded with sugars and preservatives. These ingredients are really hard for your dog to digest, so they put unnecessary strain on your dog’s digestive system, and they can also cause the unwanted weight gain which can be dangerous for your dog’s health long term.

So you can share Fruit Loops with your dog but it should be done sparingly and very few at a time. While you’re enjoying your breakfast of Fruit Loops, you can give your four-legged friend a handful of them to share with you but you should limit it to that amount in one sitting.

So what about other kinds of cereal?

Even for humans, there are some kinds of cereals that are healthier than others so it would make sense that some other kinds of breakfast cereal would be better for your dog.

Healthier Options

Other cereals, like bran flakes, which are generally healthier for us to eat would also be a better option for your dog. You’ll want to make sure, though, that the cereal doesn’t have raisins in it as they are very harmful for your dog to eat and could even be toxic if enough are eaten.

Some of the healthier cereal options for your dog would include

    • Bran Flakes
    • Cream of Wheat
    • Oat Bran

There are also cereal options that are safe for your dog to eat, but aren’t as healthy as those listed above

    • Cheerios
    • Cinnamon Toast Crunch
    • Corn Flakes
    • Honey Bunches of Oats
    • Rice Chex
    • Rice Krispies
    • Special K


These are the cereals you should avoid giving to your dog at all. As mentioned, you can give a very small amount of them as a very rare treat but if you can avoid them altogether its best for your dog.

    • Coco Puffs
    • Fruit Loops
    • Lucky Charms
    • Raisin Bran
    • Reese’s Puffs

Overall, dry breakfast cereals won’t add much to your dog’s diet in terms of nutritional value. Most of them aren’t going to cause your dog harm if they eat them, however they should be given in small amounts on rare occasions as treats due to the high sugar content and highly processed grains.

If your dog really likes the crunch of the cereal, you might be looking for other options to feed as treats. You can purchase some crunch, grain-free dog treats – like these ones– that are a great alternative to giving your dog cereal.

Our dogs always want to take part in what we’re doing, and eating our food is no exception. There are plenty of dog-safe human foods you can share with your best friend so that they will feel like they’re getting a treat and you know what you’re giving them is safe and – mostly – healthy for them.


Your dog can eat both raw and cooked carrots, and both are completely safe for your pooch. If your dog likes the crunchy kinds of treats, raw carrots are a great option that is low in calories and is full of vitamins. You should make sure the carrots are cut into pieces your dog can easily chew in one bite to him from choking.

Peanut Butter

In moderate amounts, your dog can definitely enjoy some peanut butter with their other treats or even on its own. Peanut butter is high in fat, though, so the amount your dog eats should be limited. If your dog eats too much, over time, it could lead to unwanted weight loss for your dog and that can mean health problems for your dog.


Eggs are a great source of protein for humans, and they are definitely safe and healthy for dogs. One egg can provide your dog with all kinds of vitamins and minerals, and a lot of protein.

Some owners have even expressed that eggs can help alleviate nausea in dogs that are experiencing stomach upset but that might not work for all dogs.

It is important to note, though, that you should never feed your dog raw eggs.

Dogs usually won’t get sick from eating raw eggs – like humans would – but the bacteria found in raw eggs, like salmonella, can spread from your dog to the humans in your house, and humans can get very sick from this bacteria.


This lean fish is very healthy to feed to your dog as long as it is boneless and cooked. In fact, the omega-3 fatty acids in salmon helps keep your dog’s coat shiny and healthy looking, and it can help reduce inflammation if your dog suffers from stiff joints or difficulty with mobility.

You should never feed your dog raw salmon because it contains a parasite that poisons your dog, and can even be fatal in some cases.


There are many fruits that are healthy for your dog to eat, including blueberries. They are full of antioxidants, which help fight diseases, and have vitamins, minerals and fiber in them – all of which benefit your dog’s health.

Additionally, blueberries are naturally low in calories and small in size so they are easy to give your dog as a quick treat.

Dog eating


Who doesn’t love cheese? We’re pretty sure all dogs love cheese, and want to share it with you. But can dogs have it? In small quantities, dogs can definitely have cheese as a snack.

However, due to the fat and lactose found in cheese some dogs might have issues with digesting cheese. If this is your dog, you’ll definitely want to limit the amount of cheese you give your dog so they aren’t in too much digestive distress.


Curling up watching a movie with a big bowl of popcorn is a great night in, so it makes sense your best bud will be up on the couch with you sharing in the popcorn . . . but should you give it to them?

As long as you aren’t putting a bunch of extra toppings on the popcorn, it’s not a bad snack for your dog. For the most part, it doesn’t contain any extra ingredients so it’s not especially healthy for your dog but it’s not unhealthy either. You can most definitely share your popcorn with your dog.


This kind of food is a broad category. There are some nuts – like almonds and cashews – that your dog can have a limited amount of on rare occasions. But other nuts, like macadamia nuts, your dog should not have as they can lead to vomiting and even tremors due to a toxin they contain.


Want to share your sandwich with your dog? Yes – us too. So do you have to take the sandwich apart or can you just give it to your dog as it is?

Well, the good news is that bread is ok for your dog to have in small amounts. The best kind of bread for your dog to have is either plain white or whole grain.

It’s important to remember that bread will add a lot of extra calories to your dog’s diet so it can lead to weight gain if you give too much, too often.

When we head into the kitchen to grab a snack, our pups will almost always follow us because they want to participate in what we’re doing. Then they sit there and look up at you, wanting to share in the snack with you.

If you’re eating foods that are dog safe then you know you can definitely share your snack with your dog. Additionally, you can give your dog these safe foods as treats – which will actually be healthy for them – and they will be super excited thinking they’re getting some special.

Keep your dog healthy and happy with these fun treats!