Can Dogs Eat Fig Leaves?

As a pet parent, you have to be very careful about what your dog is eating. For example: can dogs eat fig leaves? Let’s learn about these and other common houseplants and how they can be dangerous to your pet.

Looking to add some plants to your home to liven it up and show your pals that you’re on top of the latest interior design trends? We’ve done some research to assist you in selecting safe plants for your pets! 

Remember that your cat or dog will be living with, and potentially trying to eat, your new plant-child before you swipe your card at the local nursery on that designer fiddle leaf fig, huge cactus, or cut-leaf philodendron.

Can Dogs Eat Fig Leaves

Surprisingly, some of the most common and widely available houseplants are poisonous to your dogs. Among the plants on this list are ficus, figs, snake plant (mother-in-tongue), law’s philodendron, and most cacti, to name a few.

When it comes to nibbling on indoor flora, cats are frequently the culprits. Dogs, too, are in danger. Many of the same plants that can make your cat sick can also make your dog sick. There’s also the possibility that dogs will dig up and consume bulbs in your garden, which can be harmful.

Are Fig Tree Leaves Edible?

Yes, fig tree leaves are edible and in fact very healthy but for humans.

To begin with, figs are high in natural sugars, making them a terrific, nutritious source of energy. They are a preferable alternative to the refined sugars found in many manufactured dog treats.

Natural sugars release energy more slowly, providing your dog with greater energy for a longer period. Refined sugar-rich foods can offer your dog a quick burst of energy, but this is usually followed by a crash when the sugar leaves their system. 

Diabetes can be caused by consuming too many processed sweets. Figs are high in fiber, which helps humans regulate the amount of sugar and also improves digestion.

Can Dogs Eat Fig Leaves

Are Fig Leaves Poisonous To Dogs?

Yes, Fig leaves are part of the family of plants that are poisonous to dogs.

Even though fig trees are common houseplants, they can be poisonous to dogs. The sap from the fig leaves can be highly irritating to dogs, both on the skin and when swallowed. Dogs can get fig poisoning if they consume any component of this well-known shrub.

If you have dogs or other small animals, it’s crucial to keep fig plants out of the house. Many dogs, especially puppies, like exploring and chewing on new objects. This might result in many sicknesses and a hospital visit; however, it can be prevented if you take care of the plants in your home.

The fig, or ficus, the plant is ingested by dogs, resulting in fig poisoning. The fig plant produces ficin, a hazardous sap-like material that is toxic when swallowed or comes in contact with a dog’s skin, eyes, or mouth.

How Do I Know If My Dog Has Consumed Fig Leaves?

If your dog eats a fig plant, he may develop these symptoms. It is critical to take him to a veterinarian if he develops any of the following symptoms, even if they are minor. Among the warning signs are:

  • Drooling
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Agitation
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Irritated skin
  • Mouth ache
  • Eyes that are watering
Can Dogs Eat Fig Leaves

Which Plants Are Animal Friendly?

So, what should a pet and plant enthusiast do? Many animal-safe plants may give your home that trendy-leafy-jungle vibe! Here are a few beautiful examples:

  • Majesty Palm: A huge indoor palm that prefers moist soil and 6-8 hours of bright sunshine.
  • Maidenhair Fern: This delicate and fussy fern requires consistent wetness (not waterlogged) and indirect morning or afternoon sun to grow.
  • Spider plant: Spider Plant is a versatile and easy-to-grow plant. Your spider plant will thrive if you give it well-drained soil and bright indirect light.
  • Orchids: Orchids like bright, indirect light, high humidity, airflow around the roots, and alternating periods of drying soil and intense watering to help them bloom. Depending on the variety, this can change.
  • Staghorn Ferns: These ferns are commonly put on a piece of wood to facilitate ventilation around the roots. This epiphyte thrives in bright indirect light, humidity, and consistent, but not soggy, moisture.
  • Bamboo: Bamboo is a fast-growing plant that prefers well-drained soil, lots of water, and five hours of direct sunlight every day.
  • Plant for Cast Iron: This plant, which belongs to the lily family, is not poisonous to your pet. Keep the soil moist and expose it to semi-shade to bright light. It dislikes being in direct sunlight.
  • Bromeliad: Bromeliad thrive in bright but not direct light and require monthly watering. They are perfect for a home with dogs.

Frequently Asked Question

#1. What Is a Fig Plant? What Do Their Leaves Look Like?

Fig plants are distinguished by their rubbery, glossy leaves, which come in various forms and sizes. These plants are popular as houseplants because they are simple to care for. 
This plant is also known as a rubber plant or rubber tree because of the nature of its leaves, and the genus fig; contains several related plants and trees. The genus has over 850 different species of trees, vines, and plants.

#2. Can Dogs Eat Dried Fig Leaves?

You must never give your dog dried figs, as the drying process increases the sugar concentration, making them a harmful sugar hit for your dog.
Also, please keep your dog away from fig trees because their leaves are toxic to dogs and can cause severe irritation.

#3. Can Dogs Eat Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves?

The natural sugars in Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves can be harmful to your dog’s health if you give them too much and their stomach isn’t adapted to them yet. 
Dogs can’t digest Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves, so there’s a chance they’ll get stomach problems if they eat it. When giving Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves to your dog, the best thing you can do is start with tiny portions and gradually increase portion sizes until the item grows more accustomed to them.

A Few Final Words

If you enjoy greenery in and around your home and also own a dog, you must be careful what plants you have. Dogs can pretty much munch on every piece of a leaf falling on the ground; hence ensure that you have only pet-friendly plants around.

Figs are delicious and gentle on your dog’s digestive system, so they’ll love them! Dogs should not consume excessive amounts of figs at once. 

You should only feed your dogs about one fig per day until you figure out how much will make them sick and then modify accordingly so that they don’t overeat.

Thank you for reading the article, you might also like to read: How to Keep Your Dog From Running Out of the Yard or Can Dogs Eat Cactus Fruit?