Can Dogs Eat Cactus Fruit?

Dogs are naturally inquisitive pets. They will smell and eat any plant you grow. But can dogs eat cactus fruit? Is it toxic to dogs? Let’s find out.

Dogs are curious animals and will eat any fruit or plant you grow in your garden. As a dog owner, you must have noticed your dog exploring, sniffing, and eating anything around them when you leave them in the yard.

However, this habit of your dog can cause health problems and get them in trouble if they eat something that they should not. If you grow plants like cactus in your home, you may wonder this question: Can dogs eat cactus fruit, and if it is safe for them?

Can Dogs Eat Cactus Fruit

The answer is no; dogs cannot eat cactus fruit. Though eating cactus is not toxic to dogs, the sap present in cactus is deadly to pets, and its spines can injure your dog. 

So as a dog owner, it is your responsibility to make sure you don’t grow any plants that may be harmful to your dog or keep them out of reach from your dog. In this article, let us further look at what happens if your dog eats cactus and other related questions.

Do Dogs Love Eating Cacti?

Yes, they do. 

Before we look at whether eating a cactus is harmful to dogs or not, let us know why dogs love eating a cactus fruit. 

If you find your dog always looking for things to chew on, it means they love exploring, and you cannot do anything about it. Also, dogs love eating both plants and meat, and these are not only a good source of vitamins but help in proper digestion and bowel movement.

Can Dogs Eat Cactus Fruit

Furthermore, dogs are natural scavengers. Sometimes you may find your dog looking for a piece of pizza slice from the garbage, even when you have fed him his meal.

Nature and your pet’s hunch for food will naturally kick in out of the “famine or feast” scenario. This means your pet will eat anything he finds, including cactus, due to the fear of famine or maybe out of boredom.

But sometimes, due to some medical reasons, you may find your dog chewing cactus plant or anything that comes his way. If you find any health issues in your dog, like parasites, get it checked by a veteran.

Is Cactus Safe To Eat?

No, eating a cactus plant can be harmful to your dog. 

The cactus plant contains a lot of fibers that may cause stomach issues or irritation to your pet, and it can lead to diarrhea and vomiting. You may be spraying insecticides or adding fertilizers to your cactus plant, and these chemicals can be harmful to your dog. 

Also, the cactus sap can cause allergic reactions in your dog, and its spines can severely injure your dog. And you will not want any such thing to happen. 

Can Dogs Eat Cactus Fruit

What Happens If A Dog Eats A Cactus?

Though the cactus plant is not poisonous to your dog, the chemical ingredient present in the sap can cause digestive problems in dogs. Your dog may show symptoms depending on its age, size, and health. If your dog faces any health issues, you will find the following symptoms.

  • Stomach Pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Salivation
  • Loss Of Appetite

If your dog has not eaten the cactus plant but did come in contact, you may find the following signs in your dog:

  • Ulceration
  • Swelling near the eyes
  • Skin rashes with slight pain
  • Blisters
  • Skin irritation
  • burning

What Fruit Can Be Toxic To Dogs?

The fruits that are safe for humans may not be safe for dogs to eat, and this is because a dog’s metabolism and digestive system are different from that of humans. So feeding certain human foods can be harmful to dogs and can even lead to severe health problems in some cases.

Let us look at specific foods that are toxic to dogs.

#1 Avocados

Avocados consist of a toxic ingredient named persin. Though this is safe for humans to eat but can be highly toxic for dogs. This is present in avocado fruit, leaves, pits, and the plant. So all parts of the avocado are harmful to dogs. 

Even if your dog eats avocado by mistake, it can get accumulated in its chest and lungs and cause blockage. They may find it difficult to breathe and, in some cases, lead to death. 

Can Dogs Eat Cactus Fruit

#2 Raisins And Grapes

Grapes and raisins are harmful to dogs, and feeding even a small amount of this fruit is harmful to dogs. Though the toxic ingredient is not known, it can cause kidney failure and lead to death. The toxicity can vary from dog to dog, depending on age and breed. 

#3 Apples, Peaches, Cherries, And Plums

These fruits should not be given to dogs as the seeds consist of cyanide, which is toxic to dogs. Eating a small amount of these fruits can cause side effects such as vomiting, stomach pain, or any digestive issues.

What To Do If Your Pet Has Eaten Any Such Fruits?

 If your dog has eaten any fruit that can be toxic, consult your veterinarian and get your pet checked.

One of the best ways to make sure your pet does not eat such harmful fruits is to keep them out of reach. To avoid any health risks, make sure not to leave any such fruits on the tabletop or in a place where your dog can reach them easily.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dogs Have Cactus Pear?

No, cactus pear or prickly pears should not be given to dogs, even in a small amount. The hairlike splinters in prickly pears can be dangerous to your dog and cause skin irritation.

How Can You Remove Cactus Spine From Your Pet?

If your pet has ingested the cactus plant, the spine may get stuck in their feet or mouth, and it can cause pain and discomfort in your dog. If there are just one or two needles, you can slowly remove them yourself or get them removed from a veteran.

A Few Final Words

Cactus contains toxic ingredients that are safe for humans but are harmful to your pet. If your dog ingests even a small amount of cactus plant, it can lead to stomach or digestive issues and even injure your dog. If you find any health issues in your dog, consult with your veteran immediately.

Thank you for reading the article, we hope this answers all your questions. If you have further queries, please write to us in the comments below. You might also want to read about other things that dogs should not eat such as grape popsicles and raisins with yogurt.