[Must Know]Are Peaches Good For Your Dog?

Peaches are delightful and one of the things most of us moss about summer, but are peaches good for dogs?

Dogs, being carnivorous, have a digestive system that is quite different from ours, and so it is normal that they may not appreciate some of the things we love.

Are Peaches Good For Your Dog

Still, is it safe for you to share them with your pup come summer? Well, they are, albeit with a few conditions!

Can Dog Eat Peaches?

Who can resist this delicious fruit? Pups love them and luckily they are safe for them to eat too, albeit in moderation. Peaches contain a host of nutrients that are beneficial to both dogs and humans.

What is the Nutritional Benefit of Peaches to Dogs?

Peaches contain Vitamins A and C, good for that stellar vision as and strong bones respectively. As your dog ages, he or she is going to need these for their failing vision and weakening bones.

Peaches are good sources of antioxidants too that dogs and humans need to fight free radicals. You may already know that dogs are at risk of getting cancer, and antioxidants help lower those chances.

One type of antioxidants present in peaches, phenols, protects the heart and so they are great as the dog ages. Other ways that antioxidants help your pup include increasing the flow and circulation of blood.

Folate and other vitamins in peach contribute to that smooth and silky coat that we all want in our pets. Can a treat get any better?

Being as they are low in calories, peaches are an excellent choice of snack or treat for your dog especially when you are teaching them new tricks. They also contain fiber that checks the health of your pup’s digestive tract.

So, Is There Such a Thing as Too Many Peaches for my Dog?

Yes, moderation is key when feeding this fruit to your pup. First, and this will sound so good to those with overweight dogs, a peach contains between 35 and 50 calories, which is quite low.

This is why moderation matters: feeding your dog too many peaches could lead to a stomach upset that you will not appreciate at all. You want to limit the slices to 1 or 2 pieces a day for smaller dogs and 3 for larger breeds. Three should be the maximum.

Fresh fruit is always the best option as it contains all the desirable nutrients without the necessary sugars and additives that come with canned fruits.

What are the Serving Suggestions?

First, you want to wash your fruit thoroughly before serving it up the same way you would for humans. Slicing the peaches into bite sizes is always advisable as larger pieces could lodge onto your dog’s throat.

The flesh of a peach is loaded with nutrients and so you want the pup to eat it. The pit, on the other hand, you should avoid at all costs.

Is the Pit Poisonous?

Yes and no. Yes because it contains some levels of cyanide – a chemical found in cigarette smoke – that could be fatal to dogs. No, because you would need a substantial amount for it to be poisonous.

Still, pits could choke the dog given their size, and so they should be removed prior to feeding the dog a peace.

Can you tell if your Dog has swallowed a Pit?

Yes, you can as it will show signs that it doesn’t normally. You may notice heavy panting, excessive drooling, dizziness, dilated pupils, and even difficulty in breathing in some breeds.

Naturally, larger dogs have a higher tolerance than their smaller counterparts and so a single peach pit will not lead to any such symptoms.

If your dog shows these signs, then it has cyanide poisoning and should be taken to a vet immediately. Failure to act expeditiously could lead to shock, your dog going into a coma, and even death in extreme cases.

If these signs do not show, then you have no reason to worry.

Give them Peach!

Store-bought treats are not only expensive but they are also loaded with additives that you don’t want for your dog, especially if they are battling weight issues. So, are peaches good for dogs? You bet they are!